Female Ride Day 2010

Well I'm in a pickle. It's Female Ride Day today and I'm not on my bike. This predicament exists because - we're heading to Columbus for an overnight to visit the youngest and the weather is not going to let us take the bikes. Today is ok - tomorrow is not so okay and I'm not feeling up to the challenge of rain gear for over 150 miles.

I'm not feeling up to the challenge because I fell on my face the day before yesterday. Literally. On my face. It was spectacular. I look like I lost in the second round. Seems I need to simplify my life in that I should not walk quite so fast while holding several items and digging for my keys while looking all around instead of scanning my path ahead. Dumb uneven sidewalk.

So I'll cheer all the women who are hitting the road on their iron ponies while my husband and I whip down Rt. 71 in my Tib and visit THE Iron Pony Superstore. Almost a decent substitute...nah, not even close but I'll have to make do.

1 comment:

  1. My retrospective meteorologist skills say you made the right choice! 'Tornadic Activity' is not the weather for being out on a bike. (Stupid Ohio weather...)
